Hellesdon Neighbourhood Plan
Hellesdon Parish Council is carrying out a Call for Sites for their developing Neighbourhood Plan
What is a call for sites?
Local authorities have a duty to maintain an adequate and up-to-date supply of sites which are suitable for housing, employment and other types of development. The call for sites exercise is a consultation that authorities use to source new potential sites in their local development plans. Landowners, property developers and other interested parties can submit their sites to local authorities during the call for sites, which may help select future development sites in emerging plans. As well as sites being submitted in a borough wide Local Plan, Neighbourhood Plans being drawn together by a parish council might also issue a call for sites in the early stages of plan making to offer another opportunity for submission.
Hellesdon Parish Council is now undertaking a ‘Call for Sites’ to identify available sites that can be considered in the parish.
The Site Submission Form for completion by any interested parties who want to promote a site for a specific use or development to be allocated in the Hellesdon Neighbourhood Plan can be requested by email to clerk@hellesdon-pc.gov.uk or by downloading it.
The Call for Sites will run for 4 weeks starting on 20th August 2024. The closing date for submissions is 17th September 2024.
Benefits of carrying out a site assessment
Neighbourhood plans can identify and allocate sites for new development including housing, employment, business use, leisure and other forms of development. Allocating sites is one of the most powerful, but also most controversial aspects of neighbourhood planning. Groups can expect challenge but there are many benefits, including bringing forward sustainable development to meet local needs, influencing the location, type and design of new development, providing new infrastructure and services for the benefit of the community and retaining more of the money collected from development to spend on local projects. Further details can be read on the Locality or other local authority websites.