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Hellesdon Neighbourhood Plan

Have Your Say

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the recent Neighbourhood Plan survey.  Nearly 200 took the time to respond to the online survey, the hard copy survey or to attend our consultation events on 22nd and 23rd of March.   Our consultants are in the process of analysing the responses to the survey and these will assist us to create policies and priorities for Hellesdon in the future.

Funding for technical support for the Neighbourhood Plan has been obtained to help the Parish Council create specialised Design Policies for the Neighbourhood Plan.  Design specialists from AECOM have visited Hellesdon to get a feel for the parish and will be providing advice on how the design of future buildings and infrastructure would best benefit local people. 

The Neighbourhood Plan working group meets approximately once a month and welcomes any members of the public who live or work in Hellesdon who would like to contribute to the shaping of Hellesdon in the future.  

Please contact the clerk on 01603 301751 for more information.  

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