Hellesdon parish council have received a number of calls, along with seeing Facebook posts regarding an increase of dog mess in the parish.
Though it is the responsibility of the owner to pick up the mess, the Parish/District Council provide bins around Hellesdon to help owners dispose of it responsibly whilst out walking their dog, if they are unable to take it home to dispose of.
The emptying of the bins is done by Broadland District Council on a weekly basis, the extra bins which the parish council have had installed are charged at £3.60 per week total of £187.20 a year per bin with an initial cost of £70.00 (new bins). In total the parish council have installed an additional 15 bins to the 19 already provide by the District Council.
The Parish Council are also responsible for the maintenance/replacement of the bins. Recently a number of bins have been vandalized with lids being broken off, in the past week this has cost the parish an additional £132.00.
Please go to Broadland District Council website to report any dog fouling incidents (location details must be provided). For broken bins/missing lids please contact the Parish Council.
The Parish Council however would like feedback on areas you feel additional bins would be required along with suitable suggested locations, these bins would be a cost to the parish of £187.20 per year.