How can you keep your river healthy and clean?
In a series of articles Norfolk Rivers Trust will provide advice to help maintain the health of our globally rare chalk streams and lowland rivers in Norfolk. In times of drought and hot weather it is especially important because of the wildlife our rivers support. Endangered white clawed crayfish, brown trout, eels, and water voles are just a few of the iconic species at risk in Norfolk and you can do your bit to help protect them.
Bankside management: we all love to sit by a river bank and watch the water go by, and even dip our toes but did you know that by strimming or mowing the river bank you are reducing the habitat availability for a number of species, including dragonflies, water voles and breeding birds. All river wildlife relies on vegetation for survival. Tall reeds, sedges and flowering plants are particularly good for most animals. Water voles ideally require a 3-meter margin of undisturbed river bank while breeding birds need dense vegetation to nest in. Pollinators need flowers such as hemp agrimony and meadowsweet and aquatic invertebrates such as dragonflies and damselflies need vegetation to emerge from. By leaving a wild margin on your riverbank you will provide a wealth of habitat for the wildlife we are so lucky to have in Norfolk.
If you are a landowner with riparian land and would like to talk to us about restoration and rewilding please do get in touch with us at Norfolk Rivers Trust. We offer a wide range of services including surveys, restoration and management advice. Email